Inspiration For Early Healing

  • I was paralyzed in the year 2001. At that time, I came out of the poverty line. After being diagnosed, I came to know that the paralyzed patients die lying on the bed.
  • My journey after paralysis therapy changed dramatically. During the treatment of paralysis, I started wondering why people have paralysis. On finding out, it was found that most people have a paralysis attack due to some mental problems. And some people paralyzed by hot or cold effects.
  • I started praying to the conscience that if God cures me from my illness then I will gain knowledge of natural medicine and psychology. I will guide people how to take care themselves physically and mentally.
  • So God and my Satguru heard my call. After that I did Graduation in Psychology.  Diploma in Psychotherapy, Hypnosis, Reiki and Naturopathy.
  • Some psychological workshops I have attended and gained lots of knowledge related to psychology. Nature has inspired me and introduced me to an amazing knowledge.
  • One wonderful night in which I had divine realization and I was instructed that along with the treatment of people, it is necessary to pay attention to the inner healing.
  • That divine figure made me realize that until we do not understand the root causes of our mindset and problems, we cannot understand the basic problems of others. And will not be able to cure or treat them properly.
  • There has been a lot of grief and struggle in my life. I have reached here after doing lots of hard work.
  • Although the natural methods were very helpful, but when I started understanding the deep emotional issues of the people, at the same time, I also started understanding myself. My thinking took me to a whole new realm of mental freedom. It taught me how much our emotions are related to our DNA and physical body.
  • Some time ago I came to know how sensitive I am to my spiritual world and the world around me. I also saw within myself what are my weaknesses? Instead of getting stuck in weakness, how can I give right direction to my positivity? I teach some of my sensitive patients how you too can do it.

Starting from Wages to Different Kinds of Work, I Begin a Natural and psychological Therapy.

  • God is still directing me along with inspiring me. I and my team are doing new researches in spiritual and psychology field.
  • Due to my depth of learning, I have spent my life in lots of learning, trainings and practicing holistic healing, consciousness and mind-body-energy therapy. Along with running a licensed Psychological Services Center, I deeply worked on methods of mind-body-soul healing.
  • God has honored my soul with all these types of knowledge.  Most importantly, I have listened to my spirit before every phase of my journey and then I stepped forward.

Life's Sad Nights And a Call For Spiritual Initiative

  • After long dark nights of the sorrows of my life, God chose me and covered me with the zenith of his knowledge and love.
  • One night I was crying all night and asking God. Lord, why have I had to face grief and poverty since childhood. That night, a wonderful incident happens in my life.
  • A divine man appeared and told me that now your time has come. You will grow on the path of spirituality through a spiritual initiation. It is time to understand that essence power and consciousness.  Who am I really?
  • After spiritual initiation, my same divine man showed and taught me that I need to live daily life properly to know about my divine nature.
  • I started experiencing spirituality and happiness in life. I had no bread to eat. Due to the mercy of my divine man, my life began to bring both spiritual and worldly wealth. Still the darkness kept coming in life and I kept falling into a deep abyss.
  • The voice of my divine man would hit my ears and says that we are all divine beings. You do not panic, keep moving forward while earning honestly. Heavenly power always gives me these instructions. I continue to experience true abstract knowledge while learning from my mistakes. And helping others to connect them with their true essence knowledge, these realizations were being given to me again and again by divine consciousness.
  • After this vision I went into many powerful early spiritual experiences, which continue till date.
  • My divine man’s blessings of my spiritual initiation and spiritual experiences opened to many higher levels of awakening and now I am living the process of transforming this awakening into my existence.
  • Awakening and meditation towards self are two forms of the same process. I have found that the more we unaware of ourselves, our journey will be long. The sorrows or the path of imprudence will have to go; it will be a longer process.
  • I have been healing my thousands of years of trauma. I got this because of my own actions. Now I start getting out of them. I have found the way to my destination. And now nature is giving me these orders. So that I can show this path to others.
  • Now a divine light has appeared in me, it is covering my senseless darkness. Now darkness and light are uniting. There is a power growing inside me. And I am being asked by celestial power to share this psychological divine healing to the world. So that we can step into our full divine potential with love. And only joy can fill our unconscious.
  • Now I am repeatedly instructed from within what I have to do, I have to step out completely. Spread your experience in all four directions.
  • It seems that the energy of all saints is directing me to get ready for this beautiful work.
  • It is my true pleasure to help people overcome the darkness of difficult illness and emotional suffering. We get immense grace; it helps us to stand in our true nature of existence. It is so incredibly powerful. I am very happy that I have been selected for this divine work.

Having Knowledge of Natural Medicine And Psychology

  • As the insight and knowledge given to me by nature made me realize the mystery of life, how humans can remain balanced and happy.
  • I have been honored by nature for psycho-spiritual knowledge and healing. God has given 5 elements; earth, water, fire, air, sky to human body only. No other creature has 5 elements. I used to think that if only human beings were given 5 elements then God would want something more from humans.
  • I used to think that the sky element is only within the human being. There is no sky element in any other creature. There will be some motive of nature or God behind it.
  • I know that a person can experience the subconscious mind and beyond the conscious mind. Man can do whatever he wants. But it is necessary to have a deep desire for self. Through spiritual and psychological techniques, I have experienced, we can store the plans for best life, by removing the wrong things within the subconscious mind of the human being. After that, his life will be the same as stored in the subconscious mind.
  • Nature made me feel that every human being in this world is unique. The Smell or Finger Prints and Body of any human do not match any other human being. Nature repeatedly advises me to comprehend the problem of people. I am working on it by understanding their personality and try to fix it. Based on my deep experiences, I can help you to keep your physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual level positive so that you can step into right healing.
  • I have learned how to deal with the trauma and pain deep rooted in the unconscious of humans. Our spiritual and psychological techniques can help you to free from your problems.
  • I have also ventured into the natural and psychology field with a great thinking. Here we will prepare such people who can go from place to place and explain that they can live life according to their personality. You too can connect with our thinking and work with us.  You will benefit from this work, you will understand your own personality and you will be fully connected with yourself. Your future will be bright and then you can step into your best treatment. And you can also give good inspiration to others.
  • Give and Take.
  • In this world, we follow the principal of Give and Take. I feel very happy when other people are happy because of my treatment and counseling. If give happiness to others then we also get happiness.
  • If we try to give healthy life with love and emotions to others, our life will also be healthy. It is not important to do any work. But the importance lies in your thinking behind that work?
  • I want to say to God, I want to continue serving spiritual and psychological knowledge in your created world. I want to spread happiness and joy in mental health.
  • I want to reveal the secrets of nature that is hidden which helps people to live a happy and contended life.
  • I thank all the energies and existence of the entire universe. May your grace shower on me continuously.
  • I am saying to you that with spiritual and psychological treatment you can increase your awareness. Because of this you will realize who you are and for what purpose you were born.
  • I thank God wholeheartedly. He filled me with the knowledge and blessings to help people to fill their daily life with love and joy.