Founder of Divine Balance Body & Mind

  • In my 20 years of career, I have read from the Holistic Health Conference to the voice of Indian Saints. I have tried to unravel the esoteric secrets of Yoga and Meditation. I have come to know about it a lot. There was always one thing in my mind that Psychiatrists and Physicians also, become mentally ill. What’s could the reason behind this? Those who are Spiritual Gurus, give knowledge to other people that they should remain calm, but themselves remain restless.  On all these things, I have searched for years and found out the truth. How to make Yoga, Self-hypnosis, Reiki, Psychotherapy, Music Therapy, and Negative Aura to Positive. I have worked on all of them with heart and soul and I experienced these activities on Myself.
  • My working style promotes creativity, dedication, co-operation, communication, spirit, hard work and coordination. I have spent 20 years of my life understanding Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind. All these three works together to experience meditation. By understanding the nature and working process of all these three, one can make his life enjoyable.
  • I have learnt everything with enthusiasm. I have made people aware of my spiritual experiences and used it in my work. I have also, worked on Emotional Intelligence, which can create synergy between physical, mental and emotional well-being.
  • Currently, I am working on children suffering from Autism and Special Need children, with a team of Rehabilitation Psychologists and Counselors.

What type of Disease? You have to find the root cause of it.

  • As a natural healer, I have researched on body, mind and soul from the knowledge I received by the nature.
  • From my personal experiences, I can help individual realise things that are happening to him and through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing I can help individual fill his entire life with happiness.

Psychotherapist, Aura Reader, Divine Healer, Body- Mind - Soul and Intuitive Counseling

  • Since last 10 years, I have been working on Psychotherapies, Aura, Reiki and Body-Mind Healing.
  • I have researched on how meditation and mental health treatment should be done according to personality by talking to different people in various countries. I approached thousands of people and had discussed regarding the upliftment of body, mind and soul.
  • Over 20 years of my life, I have done unique researches while working in the field of Divine music, Divine light and Spiritual energy healing.
  • At last, I would like to say that with spiritual awakening and meditation practice I have found my own path according to my personality and psychological knowledge and because of these experiences I have understood the healing field well. With these experiences of mine, I can help you too!!

Divine Holistic Healing for Body, Mind and Soul

To balance body and mind, we uses a variety of techniques to treat our clients. We always look forward helping you out fulfill your needs and specific requirements.

We are professionally trained and certified in

  1. Divine Counselling, Therapies and Medicine
  2.  Personality tests
  3. Color Therapy
  4. Aura Reading
  5. Self hypnosis
  6. Intuition Therapy
  7. Reiki: Master Level
  8. Yoga with Yog: Instructor
  9. Meditation according to Personality

However  these are all ways to assess the personality. I do not make use of client’s rest of the personality till his Personality test is not done. This is so because I find this technique to be the most effective and also, my treatment style resonates.

According to ideal personality, a complete explanation of the techniques you can check on Divine Balance Body & Mind .

Initiation of Mental and Spiritual Life

  • From about 23 years, I have been a Spiritual Seeker and Meditator. From my childhood to 1997, I have lived my life in a great misery and poverty. I did stitching work along with many other numerous kinds of work.
  • Thereafter, I came across that with the study of Scriptures we can make our life better with Spiritual energy. After that, I met lots of spiritual people where I was asked for everything to give up and also, to surrender completely in order to gain deep meditation of the soul and divine. I wanted to feel spiritual energy while fulfilling my worldly responsibilities.
  • Then, I invoked my existence to help me find out a Spiritual Master who could end up all of my sorrows and reveal the secret of who am I? And by God grace in 1997, a Spiritual Saint gave me Darshan and told me your time is about to change. Since then, my time and my life is continuously changing.  Along with this understanding of life, an understanding of Mahajivan have also, continued to develop.
  • I have lived 30 years of my life unhappily and distress. But today, the person who was working as a tailor in the past has understood those formulas of Psychology and Parapsychology.
  • In the end, I would like to say that according to one’s personality, person should do his work and/or practice meditation.

Whatever, I have learnt about conscious, subconscious mind and spiritual experiences an invisible force is continuously motivating me again and again to spread my personal experiences all over the world.

Divine Waves With Spiritual Teacher

I am a teacher and guide in the field of conscious, subconscious mind and soul.  I intend that my teaching be from a true source, which is connected with the creation of this existence and its waves.

  • I want to share my spiritual and natural experience with you due to which you may connect with inner higher knowledge as well as will experience a deep awareness and peace inside yourself.
  • Being a Spiritual Psychologist, I want to provide in-depth info into your reality, healing, awakening and nature of consciousness.
  • My whole efforts, is to help you find your own answers, knowledge and truth. Ultimately, helping you realise your goal and connect you to that inner space from where a Powerful Healing Energy is produced.
  • Over the last 20 years, I have been a student of many Spiritual Traditions. At deepest level, I think every human being has deviated from his personality. He is not able to enjoy anything in his life. Whereas divinity and excitement is in everything of nature, but everyone cannot take advantage of nature’s joy.
  • In my researches I have found that a person should be given proper counselling through his personality test. In this way, he can connect himself with Divine Energy which is hidden in every human being.
  •  Our Psychological Tests and Counselling have led many people to the next level of physical, emotional and energetic healing as well as spiritual growth and awakening.

Spiritual & Natural Knowledge of My Country

During my 20 years of worldly and spiritual experience, I have studied and practiced many forms of indigenous based knowledge and through these experiences I have participated, learned and practiced many techniques in various Spiritual Institutional Programs which includes:

  1. Tantra yoga
  2. Mantra yoga
  3. Sahaja Yoga ( Light of Spirit and Feeling of Divine Sound )
  4. Hatha yoga
  5. Karma yoga
  6. Bhakti Yoga 

While practicing all of these, I realized that every person’s Yoga practice is different. This is so, because God has made every human being unique and different.

I have worked with various types of Psychologists, Naturopathic Where it includes the functioning of conscious and subconscious mind; how People Company and home atmosphere affect our mood? How to fix the person’s food power? What is the connection between food and mind? What are its effects?

I think after gaining the knowledge from indigenous Saints, I have received deep respect and love from the existence. I feel the waves of existence love and we all are also, associated with those waves.

My Experience & Teaching Background

For many years, I have been running a Psychological Center.

Currently, me and my team are providing benefits to people through different types of therapies used in Mental Health issues and Child Disabilities, and different types of Personality Tests as well.

Specifically, we as a team are working on Children’s disabilities such as:                      

  1. Autism 
  2. ADHD    
  3. Intellectual Disability
  4. Specific Learning Disorder
  5. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

I am going to introduce a new Technique of Spirituality in the world as a Spiritual Teacher, which will be completely based on Science and Psychology.

I am constantly researching on human’s personality. A person has everything but still he is confused and sad.

At my center, I guide children’s parent about energy healing.

Deep Gratitude

  • First of all, I give Heartily Thanks to my Mother and Salute because of her, I was born as a human being on this planet and got to know the secret of nature.
  • I am grateful to all my Spiritual Teachers and Mentors because of them my spiritual life’s journey got started.

             Your love and blessings will always remain with me.

  • In the end, I am eternally grateful to the pure source of the almighty God. His waves have chosen me and these waves are present everywhere that fill us with his eternal love.

Gratitude is one such flower which fills the soul with fragrance through the medium of body and mind. Gratitude fills you with energy and love, due to which you begin to understand the mystery of life and move towards the ultimate truth. A person whose heart is filled with thanks for others, God always blesses him with more Happiness. 

Alakh Guru          

Heartfelt Gratitude

Here, I am writing some names with reverence, love and thanks.

  • I thank Lord Shiva because with his meditation, I got my Spiritual Guide.
  • My spiritual brother Omprakash Ji because of him my journey of good life started and through him I met my spiritual guides.
  • My dear Spiritual Guide My Satguru Tara Chand Ji Maharaj who appeared in front of me in my room and blessed me with connecting to the waves of spiritual world.
  • My Satguru Param Saint Kanwar Saheb Ji Maharaj, who gave me spiritual support during my bad days and always showered love on me. Thank you so much.
  • Sadhguru Osho, ended my internal fear and Osho’s education supported me a lot and my many confusions got vanished.
  • My beloved Saint Satguru, Saint Kabir, Saint Dadu Dayal, Saint Paltu Saheb, Saint Meerabai, Saint Sahajobai, Dear Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Arjun Dev Ji, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, Dear Saint Guru Amardas Ji, from the core of my heart I’ll always be thankful to all of them. Whenever, I have been misguided their knowledge have always saved me.
  • I thank wholeheartedly to the beauty of whole nature, sun, moon, stars, trees, flowers, animals and birds because they have also played an important role in knowing the deep mysteries of spiritual knowledge.
  • Heartily thanks to Dr. RS Verma, who gave me knowledge of Psychology that helped me a lot in my spiritual work and will definitely help me work spiritually in future as well !!
  • I thanks to all my friends and people who gave me love and support, kept turning me towards the path of knowledge.

Many other lovely people too, without you my life would not have completed.

I bow all of you with folded hands and bowing down my head.